What a great adventure! It sounds like you all did amazingly. And that photo by Noodles is indeed breathtaking!

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jen you would have loved it - v v colorado-y

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Jun 25Liked by Janet

What a great experience! Great read, I felt like I was there.

Congratulations Japhy & Scout!❤️

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I laughed at the poem. I might change Crankypants to "Soppy Stern"

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oh i really like crankpants tho hahaa

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I sent the Larkin poem to my siblings. Now they are mad at me.

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loll, on which note I have SAVANNAH on my reading list for today, I can't wait!!

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This was a goddamn wild ride from start to finish

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hahaha, like all good jaunts! i must say, the butt sticks out to me, it was so dramatic in the moment

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I really appreciated the description!

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the mountains will humble you!

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